Egypt Upstream Gateway (EUG) team organized a technical workshop titled 'Egypt Opens the First Brown Fields Bid round' With representatives of more than 20 interested companies.

The workshop was a great opportunity for the E&P community to shed light on EGPC 2023 international bid round which is considered the first of its kind for the Developing and Reviving oil brownfields. It focused on the high-value opportunities that Egypt currently has offered while highlighting Brownfield Development Potential in 8 producing brown fields under the supervision of SUCO (Two fields), OSOCO (Five fields) companies in the Gulf of Suez and the Eastern Desert and One brownfield (wadi El-Sahl) in the Eastern Desert The workshop was concluded by opening the door for the discussion to answer all the questions and inquiries, whether related to the project's activities or Brown fields bid round, and bid round Agreement Model and Instructions.