Technical Workshop
"Unlocking Hydrocarbon Potential Through Different Opportunities in Egypt"

18th, October, 2023

Technical workshop, titled "Unlocking Hydrocarbon Potential Through Different Opportunities in Egypt" was organized by the EUG team on October 18. The primary objective of this event was to highlight the outstanding opportunities within the EGPC/GANOP 2023 bid round.

This event attracted substantial interest and welcomed participation from over 37 esteemed companies, all eager to explore investment opportunities in various regions of Egypt, including the Western Desert, Eastern Desert, Gulf of Suez, and Red Sea.

During the welcome addresses, Dr. Samir Raslan, Undersecretary for Exploration & Agreements at the Ministry of Petroleum & Mineral Resources, Eng. Sherif Bayoumy, Egypt & East Med. Managing Director at SLB and Geo.Mohamed Radwan, EUG Project Manager-MOP, expressed their gratitude to EUG partners and warmly invited them to actively engage in the ongoing bid round.

The workshop featured technical presentations providing detailed insights into the various basins and the wealth of opportunities available within the bid round blocks.

The workshop was concluded by opening the door for the discussion to answer all the questions and inquiries, whether related to the project's activities or bid round blocks.