22nd February, 2024

EUG was an active participant in the "Explore Egypt Forum" held in Cairo on Thursday, February 22nd. The event, hosted by SLB and Frontier Energy Network.

The Forum is dedicated to highlight Egypt's vast & exciting exploration opportunities and subsurface potential from mature to developed and frontier basins. Moreover, engage the industry on the opportunities that Egypt offers encompassing Egypt's bid rounds and SLB's digital data initiatives.

The event gathered together representatives from Ministry of Petroleum, EGPC, EGAS, GANOPE and more than 20 international oil and gas companies.

EUG Team contributed in the event by 3 presentations titled: -

"EUG Driving Digital Transformation to Attract new investment." By Geo. Mohamed Radwan, EUG Project Manager, giving an overview of Egypt Upstream Gateway and its role in Egypt modernization, digitalization, and investment attraction.

"Re-Exploring Western Desert Conventional and Unconventional Potential By Geo. Ahmed Gamal, Senior Geologist, giving an overview on WD Basins Geology

"Egypt's Energy Infrastructure & Production Overview by Province: Get to First oil fast" By Eng. Mahmoud Tolba, Senior Production Engineer, showcasing the geology setup, production, infrastructure & facilities overview from mature and developed to frontier basins.