Egypt Upstream Gateway (EUG) team hosted a very successful technical event "Egypt Discover Opportunities for Accelerated Exploration to Production Cycle" with the presence of Schlumberger in Egypt leadership and 50 E&P companies and more than 120 attendees

The event started with a Strategic Panel where Dr. Samir Raslan - EGAS Vice Chairman for Agreements & Exploration, Mohamed Mohy - EGPC Deputy CEO for Agreements & Exploration, Anastasia Poole - Schlumberger Digital & Integration Division Manager, Mohamed El Toukhy - Schlumberger Chief Explorationist and Mohamed Radwan - Exploration General Manager they delivered very impactful speeches on the current & future opportunities in the Egyptian upstream petroleum sector. The strategic panel was followed by EUG Overview of the current activities by. Ahmed Atif - EUG Manager on behalf of Schlumberger and a series of technical sessions covering: EUG opportunities outlook in Mediterranean, Nile delta & WD. In addition, one of the highlights of the sessions was Egypt Energy transition through CCS and the Digital transformation in exploration programs through EUG. The interaction from the participants was very positive and ensured the high interest in the upcoming opportunities.

The event was concluded with a warm recognition ceremony for all the EUG Team members who contributed and showed extraordinary efforts, commitment and dedication to deliver an exceptional project that made EUG a great success.