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Political Stability

Ambitious Economic Reforms

Diversified Economy and Opportunities

Reformist the investment climate

A large and well trained competitively priced labor force

A large consumer market and strategic location

Proximity to Global Markets

Developed infrastructure

Competitive tax rates

Preferential access to global market


  • Egypt is a mature oil and gas country that has been exploring and producing since 1886
  • Egypt's recent economic reforms has gained the international recognition, and a great deal of that is due to the sizeable achievements and the potential inherent in the country's petroleum sector.
  • Egypt offers a full range of investment opportunities, and as a result boasts the most diverse corporate landscape in North Africa, with independents, small and large capital companies and majors fully represented.
  • With relatively low costs and established infrastructure, Egypt continues to attract explorers, and the country's regular licensing rounds are always well attended.
  • The country has made significant steps to pay down debts to IOCs and encourage upstream investment. ( IOC's arrears dropped from 6.3 Billion $ to 0.8 Billion $ by 2019)
  • A slew of recent discoveries, including the giant offshore Zohr gas field (a new play opening find with an estimated 30 TCF) have highlighted Egypt's potential
  • With a fast track development, Zohr allows Egypt to return to a period of energy self sufficiency since 3rd quarter 2018.


Here are the key regulations and guidelines related to performing business in Egyptian Oil & Gas sector. These regulations fall under the authority of the Egyptian Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources and its entities as shown in this structure.
The Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources has stipulated regulations relating to the process of engaging in bid rounds, highlighting the PSA model used in business as well as the model agreements used with EGPC , EGAS and GANOPE as entities under the provision of Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources. These regulations also indicate the legal framework that binds all petroleum exploitation activities undergone in Egypt.